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If you are worried about the chaotic tangle of wires on a breadboard or intimidated by the trepidation of soldering holes on a perforated board, then you've come to the right place. Gravity, a set of electronic module interface specifications formulated by DFRobot, provides the solution you need. By utilizing the Arduino Gravity IO expansion board in conjunction with Gravity modules, you can effortlessly establish connections with a single cable. Whether analog, digital, or I2C modules, easily identified wiring colors liberate you from the tension that precedes every power-on moment. There is no need for wire strippers or soldering irons to experience the enchantment of Arduino. Furthermore, it is compatible with both the Arduino UNO R3 and Arduino UNO R4.

Moreover, this Arduino IO expansion shield has a range of features, such as wide voltage input, an Xbee module socket, a UART fast toggle switch, a 3.3V voltage selection jumper, and dedicated power protection for servos. These functionalities elevate the expandability of your Arduino to new heights.

Furthermore, using the Gravity IO expansion board does not imply the obligation to exclusively use Gravity modules. On the Gravity IO expansion board, it remains convenient to employ other non-Gravity modules by easily connecting them using DuPont wires.



  • 3.3V/5V operating voltage select
  • Switch for wireless communication & programme
  • More Easily recognitive interfaces
  • Colorful header for illustrating digital or analog pins
  • Immersion gold surface



  • Input Voltage
  • 7-12V, PWR_IN
  • 4.8-6V, SERVO_PWR, depending on your servo
  • Compatible module voltage: 5V/3.3V
  • Support interface: I2C, SPI, Xbee (Xbee pro), Bluetooth, APC220




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